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Voice Recognition
Welcome to the Cuyahoga Falls City School District.

Cuyahoga Falls City School District

The hub of our community, committed to a culture of caring! We innovate. We create. We personalize education for all!


Department Overview

We are currently taking applications for Substitute Bus Driver and Substitute Bus Monitor, and WE TRAIN!! If interested, please complete an application through AppliTrack


Our mission is to provide friendly, safe, reliable, and efficient transportation service to all eligible bus riders. Did you know that a school bus is the safest mode of transportation for getting your child back and forth to school? Students are about 50 times more likely to arrive at school safe if they ride on the bus than if they drive themselves or ride with friends. But did you also know that your child is much safer riding the bus than being driven by you? Add in the environmental and financial benefits, and it’s hard to find a reason to send your child to school any other way!

Cuyahoga Falls City School District Transportation Guidelines

  • Students in Grades K-5 living more than one mile from their home elementary school are eligible for bus transportation.
  • Students in grades 6-8 living more than 1.75 miles from their home middle school are eligible for bus transportation.
  • Special Education Students are provided transportation as outlined in their IEP.
  • Students attending vocational programs are provided transportation as required by law.
  • Students living in Cuyahoga Falls City School District and attending private or parochial schools who meet the above requirements are eligible for bus transportation to schools within a bus driving distance of 30 minutes* (unless number of riders or other reasons noted in the Ohio Revised Code lead the Board to deem the route impractical, in which case the district would offer payment "in lieu of" transportation).
*Measurement of distance originates at a point on the traveled portion of the roadway nearest the primary entrance to the place of residence and then along the most direct route traversable excluding interstate routes by motor vehicle to the school bus loading area nearest and opposite the entrance door used by pupils transported (OAC 3301-83-01 G1)

Routes and Schedules

Bus routes are set by the Transportation Supervisor and approved by the Board of Education each school year with safety being the top priority and efficiency being an important consideration.

Each student will be designated one bus stop for pick up and drop off five days per week. The school district will establish, consolidated/ cluster stops for student's pickup and drop-off. Students may walk up to .5 mile to these assigned bus stops.

School Bus Stop information is available one week prior to the first day of school. Post Cards will be mailed out  to all eligible bus riders the week before Cuyahoga Falls City Schools begin with all pertinent bus information listed.  If you did not receive your bus information, please call.

During the first two weeks of school there is a minimum of a 15 minute window for the school bus to arrive.  Buses will run behind due to new students and numerous stop adjustments..  After the first few weeks of school the bus will be on a regular schedule and stop arrival will only vary a little depending on traffic, mechanical failures, or any other unforeseen delays.

Rules for Riding the Bus - High Expectations

Everyone has a responsibility. Students who ride the bus are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will ensure that everyone has a safe ride. The Bus Rules are based on the requirements of the Ohio Revised Code to provide maximum rider safety.  We ask that you please review this list of rules with your child before the beginning of school.

Cuyahoga Falls City School’s Bus Rules and Regulations:

  1. Students must be at their bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
  2. Students must wait in a location clear of traffic and away from the bus stop.
  3. Behavior at the school bus stop must not threaten life, limb, or property of any individual.
  4. Students must go directly to an available or assigned seat.
  5. Students must observe classroom conduct and obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
  6. Students must refrain from eating and drinking on the bus except as required for medical reasons.
  7. Students must remain seated keeping aisles and exits clear.
  8. Students must not use profane language.
  9. Students must not use or possess tobacco on the bus.
  10. Students must not have alcohol or drugs in their possession on the bus except for prescription medication required for a student. This medication shall be transported in a container with a pharmacy label.
  11. Students shall not throw or pass objects on, from, or into the bus.
  12. Students may carry on the bus only objects that can be held in their laps.
  13. Students must leave or board the bus at locations to which they have been assigned.
  14. Students must not put head or arms out of the bus window.
  15.  Students may not use cell phones while on the bus.  Pictures and videos are strictly prohibited.

Frequently asked questions:

The bus didn't show up on time. How long should my child wait?
Students should arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before their scheduled Bus Stop time. We strive to have the bus arrive at your stop everyday at the same time but unfortunately buses breakdown, we may have a substitute driver, roads may be blocked, or an emergency may arise that will cause the bus to be late. A bus will always stop at every stop regardless of how late it is running. If the wait becomes 10 minutes or longer, call the Transportation Department at 330-926-3800 ext. 502881. We ask that all parents discuss with their child your plan for what to do when the bus is late.

My child needs to ride home with a friend on the school bus. Is this allowed? What should I do?
Please be aware that students are not allowed to bring friends with them on the bus, unless they are also an eligible bus rider. Your child must have an note signed by the school principal. The Transportation Department must also be notified.

We have a change of address. What should I do?
If you have a change of address please notify Pupil Services located in the BOE.  You must provide proof of residency.  Your address cannot be changed through Transportation.

To report your student off from transportation or questions and concerns regarding transportation please call:
330-926-3800 ext. 502881 or ext. 502882 or 330-920-3610 (Direct Line)

Marjorie Johnson, Transportation Supervisor
Janine Jones, Secretary to the Business Department


To report your student off from transportation or for questions and concerns regarding transportation please call:330-920-3610 
Marjorie Johnson
Transportation Supervisor
330-926-3800 ext. 502881

Jeannine Jones
Administrative Assistant
330-926-3800 ext. 502882

Transportation Department Location
2834 Vincent St.
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221

© 2025. Cuyahoga Falls City School District. All Rights Reserved.