The Cuyahoga Falls City School District (“District”) is deeply committed to providing personalized, innovative educational opportunities for students of all ages. This commitment forms the basis for the District’s Mission Statement: Every student; Every day; Every opportunity! The District strives to provide programs and learning environments that will effectively meet the educational needs of its students and assist students with achieving educational goals that are significant, durable, and transferable.
The Cuyahoga Falls City School District Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, religion, sex (including sexual orientation or transgender identity), ancestry, national origin, English language proficiency, or social or economic background. All aspects of a student’s education and development under the control of the Board of Education, including but not limited to: tests, materials, athletics, activities, facilities, curriculum, textbooks and other educational materials and supplies are developed and implemented to achieve equal educational opportunity. Educational programs are designed to meet the varying needs of all students.