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Voice Recognition
Welcome to the Cuyahoga Falls City School District.

Cuyahoga Falls City School District

The hub of our community, committed to a culture of caring! We innovate. We create. We personalize education for all!

Board Representation on Committees

  • The Alliance for School and Community Growth operates under the direction of the Superintendent and includes one representative from the Board of Education. Membership includes a wide variety of representatives from area businesses/non-profit organizations, city services/local government, and the Chamber of Commerce. Monthly meetings of the Alliance are held at 8:00 am on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in the Board meeting room of the Harold E. Wilson Administrative Center.

  • The Athletics and Activity Council operates under the direction of the Director of Athletics/Activities and the Superintendent. Other council members include middle school and high school principals, representatives from Athletic Booster groups, coaches, parents, and one representative from the Board of Education. The Council discusses topics affecting student-athletes, including athletic facilities/equipment, league affiliation, sports seasons, student-athlete opportunities/recognition, finances, and other issues involving athletic teams and/or activities. Evening meetings are scheduled once during each quarter at the high school. 

  • The Board Policy Committee is chaired by the Superintendent and includes the Treasurer and two Board of Education representatives. Revisions to current Board policy, new policy, and policy matters of district concern are first discussed/reviewed by the committee, then recommended to the Board of Education for review and subsequent approval. Policy updates are generally recommended by our policy provider, the Ohio School Boards Association, in order to remain in compliance with changes in the law. Committee meetings are scheduled on an “as needed” basis, are publicly noticed, and operate under the guidelines of Ohio’s Open Meetings Act or “sunshine” laws. 

  • The Business Advisory Council (BAC) includes the Superintendent, Treasurer, two Board of Education representatives, and up to seven members of the local business community. Under Ohio law (ORC 3313.82), every school district is required to have a BAC. These locally-focused partnerships between educators and leaders in business and industry facilitate dialogue that includes work-based learning opportunities, information on the local labor market, and potential career paths. The Council is required to meet quarterly, though additional meetings may be scheduled as needed. A joint statement between the Board and the Council describing how they are fulfilling their responsibilities under Ohio law is filed with the Ohio Department of Education by the first day of March each calendar year. Meetings operate under the guidelines of Ohio’s Open Meetings Act or “sunshine” laws. 

  • Cuyahoga Falls City Schools Foundation & Alumni Association (CFSFAA): The CFSFAA has been in existence  since 1984. Their Mission: Recognizing our past...Supporting the Future. The governing body of this  organization is a volunteer Board of Trustees with assistance by a Director of Engagement /Development  and a Communication/Technology Leader who are part- time independent contractors. The high school principal, Superintendent, and a Board of Education member also serve as members. Annually, at the organizational meeting of the Board of Education, one board member is appointed to serve a one - year  term as the liaison to the Foundation. The responsibilities of the Board of Education representative  include attending the CFSFAA monthly meetings and, at these meetings, providing the trustees with a report on board matters (policies, annual goals, legislative updates, etc.) and, at Board of Education meetings, providing a brief CFSFAA report to Board of Education members. The Superintendent, Board of Education member, and high school principal are encouraged to serve as a member on one of the Foundation committees.  

  • Annually, CFSFAA facilitates the awarding of approximately 50 scholarships to graduating seniors and grants for enhanced student learning are awarded to school employees. In May of each year, scholarship recipients, grant recipients, and Distinguished Alumni are celebrated at a recognition program and reception. The Foundation is one of the sponsors of the monthly “Top Tiger” student  awards, assists with class websites and class reunions, and maintains an active website with historical  information, scanned yearbooks, alumni features, and more. The Cuyahoga Falls Schools Foundation & Alumni Association is an ever-growing organization and maintains a visible presence at school and community events. For more information, please visit the website

  • The Financial Advisory Council operates under the direction of the school district Treasurer. The council consists of the Treasurer, Superintendent, one Board of Education representative, and four community members, two of whom are appointed by the Superintendent/Treasurer and two by the Board of Education. Council members help serve as “financial ambassadors” for the Treasurer/school district by helping to clarify financial data for community members. They do this by understanding the assumptions underlying the Five-Year Forecast, reviewing the results of financial audits, and reviewing and supporting the scheduled renewal of levies. Council meetings are required to be held quarterly, although additional meetings may be scheduled as needed. Meetings are publicly noticed and operate under the guidelines of Ohio’s Open Meetings Act or “sunshine” laws. 

  • The Legislative Liaison serves as the liaison between the Ohio School Boards Association legislative team and the Board of Education. OSBA provides the liaison with updates on House Bills and Senate Bills, as well as legislation that has been introduced, is in committee, and/or is pending approval. The liaison then shares this information with the Board. The liaison may also suggest/recommend resolutions for board consideration pertaining to current educational issues such as school funding formulas, charter schools, Ed Choice vouchers, etc. 

  • The Student Achievement Liaison (SAL) serves as both the liaison between the Ohio School Board Association and the Board as well as between the school district and the Board. The liaison shares Ohio Department of Education information pertaining to curriculum and instruction, state standards, and student achievement. An annual meeting of statewide SALs takes place at the OSBA Capital Conference in addition to periodic regional meetings that are held throughout the year. The Student Achievement liaison also serves as the Board’s representative on the District Leadership Team (DLT) that meets for two hours once a month at NEONET/Summit Co. ESC at 8 am or 1 pm. 

  • The District Records Commission governs matters pertaining to District records, including their retention and disposal in accordance with O.R.C. §149.41. Pursuant to Ohio law, the District Records Commission shall consist of the Board President, Treasurer, and Superintendent. The Board President shall serve as chairperson of the Commission. The Treasurer shall serve as secretary of the Commission. The members of this Commission shall appoint necessary records officers through the District to carry out the necessary work associated with District records. In accordance with Ohio law, the Commission shall meet at least once annually to review certificates of records disposal forms (RC-3) as submitted by the records officers. Meetings are publicly noticed and are to be conducted in accordance with Ohio’s Open Meetings Law. 

Note: The Superintendent, Treasurer, and members of the district level administrative team may also invite Board members to participate in district-directed committees that are outside the scope of those required by law or Board Policy or that are affiliated with the Ohio School Boards Association.
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